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Going Green with your New Puppy

As an avid pet enthusiast, nothing gives me more joy than bringing home a newly adopted animal. For weeks before bringing home a new pet, I've always collected all the goodies my pet will need for a long, happy, and healthy life. As a crunchy pet-parent, I strongly value ecological sustainability and holistic living, so my pre-adoption pet supplies are always as earth-friendly as possible. If you're a new or expectant puppy-parent, you're likely excited about raising your pet to be green and healthy. Here are some of the ways you can go green with your new pup.

1. Pick a green breed. The larger and more high-maintenance your pet is, the bigger his ecological paw-print will be, so it's a good idea to select a puppy who will have a relatively low impact on the environment. Small breeds consume less food, so the impact of their diet is smaller. Choose a dog breed that requires little grooming to minimize his water needs. If you end up adopting a pet with a bigger ecological impact, don't sweat it-- even high-need pups need and deserve responsible owners.
2. Choose hemp. Hemp fabric is a durable, sustainable fabric ideal for all your pet-related needs. Hemp leashes, collars, beds, and sweaters for dogs are much greener than their cotton-based and synthetic counterparts. Because hemp grows quickly, requires little water, and helps to replenish nutrients in soil, it is ideal for all your puppy-related fabric needs.
3. Clean poop responsibly. Puppy poo is full of nitrates and pathogenic bacteria. When rain water sweeps these into streams and rivers, it can lead to cultural eutrophication-- a process that leads to the mass die-off of plant and animal life. Clean your puppy's poop up using biodegradable bags rather than ordinary plastic. You and your new pup can earn green bonus points by composting your dog's poo.
4. Green your pup's diet. Organic and natural puppy foods are much more common and readily available today than they were a few short years ago. Choose a life-stage appropriate food made from minimally processed, organic ingredients to reduce the ecological impact of his diet. Since puppies are natural omnivores, they thrive on a diet containing plant matter. Because plant agriculture is greener than animal agriculture, consider incorporating vegetarian dog foods into your puppy's diet. The ASPCA confirms that veggie diets for dogs can be perfectly safe and healthy.
5. Groom responsibly. Pet shampoos and flea repellents often contain very harsh ingredients from unsustainable sources. Choose green pet shampoo for your new pup made from natural and organic sources, and ask local groomers about green grooming options. Also look for a wide variety of herbal flea repellents, such as citronella and pennyroyal, to keep the itchies away without poisoning your pup or his planet.
A bond with a new puppy can serve as an important reminder that we share our planet with many creatures far more vulnerable, and more innocent, than ourselves. By helping your new pet to have a cleaner, more sustainable lifestyle, you help to protect the world we all share. Responsible choices in pet care are among the many steps we all need to take to preserve the health of our planet. 

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