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Ode to the Border Weenie

I'm not a fan of "designer" breeding-- honest. But I happen to be lucky enough to have rescued a dog who is of the most fantastic crossbreed possible. Everyone, meet my dog Jormungandr, the border weenie.

When I tell people I have a border weenie, I usually get one of four reactions:

a) AAAAAHHHH that sounds so cute!
b) a WHAT?
c) How did that happen?
d) What's it look like?

And my reactions are:

a) It's so cute. So. Cute.
b) A border collie and dachshund mix.
c) In every case I've seen, the mom has been a border collie and the dad has been a very determined dachshund.
d) Like a border collie, but long.

Jormungandr isn't the only one of his "breed." I've actually seen several other border weenies. In fact, a few months before adopting Jormy, I encountered an entire litter of the little guys right in my area:

Adorbz, right? The little ones in this pic had the smooth, flat coat of their dachshund daddy, but some of their litter mates had longer fur like their rough-coat border collie mama. 

Here are some other border weenies:

Aren't they just too cute to handle? The funny thing is that this accidental crossbreed actually ends up looking a lot like the Cardigan Welsh corgi, a breed only distantly related to border collies or dachshunds that was bred to herd cattle. Cardigan Welsh corgis look so much like border weenies that it would be easy to mistake the two:

Please spay and neuter your border collies and weenies, but, should you end up with an oops litter... give me a call. I can't get enough of how cute these little guys are.


  1. About four months ago, I rescued a puppy from the side of the road. Turns out he is a Border weenie. He is full of life and adorable as can be.

  2. About four months ago, I rescued a puppy from the side of the road. Turns out he is a Border weenie. He is full of life and adorable as can be.

  3. I have a male border collie and a female dachshund,the collie is mix with golden retreaver and the dachshund with beegel,I love dogs,I was told a bigger male dog could not impregnate a smaller female dog,now I know that isn't true,should I be worried?

  4. What is the temperment of the Border Weenie?

  5. I've been wondering what my little rescue dog was mixed with. We were thinking border collie papillon but his ears fold over and he looks just like that last picture. Mystery solved maybe?

  6. Our border weenie was a rescue dog...she was BRILLIANT and very healthy. We had her for nearly 16 years. Miss her terribly and would love another.

    1. I have a litter that's ready to go of border weenies!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Our little guy:

  9. Oh my gosh!! I finally found out what this dog is called! My wife and I almost adopted one but the animal shelter gave her away after we filled out the adoption papers first. We really want to adopt this kind of dog. If anyone has any info on some that are available near WV please let me know :)

  10. The second last picture is actually my picture of my dog which I found by accident on this blog and I'm glad you like him. Border weenie is a new theory of my dogs ancestory, it seems reasonable but we always thought he was a mix of Border Collie and a Cocker Spaniel of some sort.

  11. The second last picture is actually my picture of my dog which I found by accident on this blog and I'm glad you like him. Border weenie is a new theory of my dogs ancestory, it seems reasonable but we always thought he was a mix of Border Collie and a Cocker Spaniel of some sort.
